Monday, July 5, 2010

Yellowstone & the Grand Tetons

Woke up Saturday, 7/3 to a very chilly camper-temperatures outside were in the mid-40's and we had not set the heat to come on. We should have remembered that we were at an elevation of 6500+ and that it would get cold-much colder than we'd expected! Eventually we were headed for the West entrance of Yellowstone. For those of you who aren't aware of this fact-if you are over 62 you can purchase a Senior Pass for $10.00-which will give us lifetime access to any National Park-there are advantages to getting old. We had purchased our Pass while at Carlsbad Caverns and when we got in line at the West Entrance we were waved right by-that we found to be quite nice. Our first sighting in the Park was of a Trumpeter Swan on the Madison River. A bit farther along cars were stopping to view the Elk grazing by the river. Heading toward Old Faithful, we stopped at most of the geo-thermal viewpoints-the mud pots, the fumaroles, the geysers, etc. Arriving at Old Faithful, it was lunchtime and we had taken sandwiches, etc. as these places gouge for food, and it is not very good. Just as we were finishing our non-picnic, we saw over a rise in the hill the end of Old Faithful's almost hourly erruption. So we headed out the boardwalk to view some of the other examples of the subterranean activity. Just as we got in front of it, the Bee Hive Geyser went off - a fairly un-
predictable geyser and we were just lucky to be there at the right time. After that Hank decided that we needed to view the next erruption of OF from the hillside observation spot- a 1/2 mile up the mountain-we got up there and had to wait for 15-20 min. for it to blow-was worth the walk and the wait!! After that we headed toward the South Entrance of the Park taking us over Craig's Pass-some 8200 in elevation-then down very quickly. Before us was the huge Yellowstone Lake-quite a site. Leaving that Park we headed down John D. Rockefella Parkway which took us down into the Grand Tetons-the mtns. to our west-most over 10,000 ft, high and still most of the peaks covered in snow! Jackson Lake also beautiful-saw elk and bison in various places along the road. Arriving in Jackson we decided it was time for a break and we explore the very touristy/ski village. Lots of fun places to explore...Time was getting on and we still had nearly 100 miles to get back home to our tin tent in Idaho! We left Jackson heading West and up and over Teton Pass-10k high-and I just love heights-NOT! Safely down the other side we drove back north and got to the tin tent just about sunset! It had been chilly most all day with temps not getting above the low 60's-. Photos will have to wait until tomorrow!

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